T-Rex Class
This is an advanced class that is aimed to kids that mainly have lived and/or studied abroad. In this class we don't speak Japanese at all.
To become a member of this class, the kids should be able to communicate in English, according to their age.
The different activities we provide, in and out of the classroom, will help them to keep developing their speaking, writing and reading English skills. |
T-Rex Class
授業ではテストと宿題が毎回出されます。お子様の英語力を維持するだけでなく新たなことを学んでもらうことができます。 |
お気軽にお問い合わせ・ご参加下さい。 |
- 京都市北区の子供英語教室(キッズ英会話)きっザウルスのコースのご紹介 - |